Issue December-8

We don't need no education

In a Daily Telegraph article on the 4th of December 24 the writer - Oliver Brown Chief Sports Writer - commenting on some arguments about those refusing to go along with the LGBTQ et al. rubbish being forced on them by woke FA officials stated:

A similar dynamic is starting to be seen in this country, with the actions of players such as Mazraoui reflective of a broader indignation among fans at being told what to think.

That is of course appalling, but it is not the type of behaviour to be expunged by acquiescence to whatever Stonewall says.

It will only be fully addressed by education and deeper societal change.

"We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control"

WE never had problems with inclusion. Only few people were truly racist or homophobic and it is now the left biased wokies that are too big for their boots and hell bent on increasing their importance by creating problems that never existed.

I remember spending a night with my guitar in Gatwick airport, all forces flights left from that airport in the sixties, and a group of Caribbean's saw my guitar and they sang and danced all night. The fact that they were what man then pleasantly called "darkies" was of no relevance, either to me or to the many others in the airport. Certainly in the forces, where I grew up and played with a band where the frontman was a big black guy there never seemed to be any racial prejudice. Possibly true (statistics?) that there were no coloureds in senior ranks in those days but there were also many less in British society in total.

What was the difference?

The difference was that those "darkies" that came to GB were not determined to force us to change our way of life. They didn't expect us to pray to Lord Samedi.

In fact, I believe - beliefs are no longer allowed - that most were christians who loved Gospel, believed in Christmas, didn't have a book that states that non-believers should be punished, that women who have affairs should be stoned to death and apostates murdered.

They had moved into the twentieth century and were no longer handcuffed to a seventh century religious dogma.

Put bluntly: they were great people that enriched our country bacuse they wanted to integrate.

What has this to do with LGBTQ and football? Everything because it is all combined an oppressive woke agenda that people with common sense don't need.

I once worked on an Airbus project where there was an transgender colleague. Did we have problems with that? Not at all.

London: 27. November 2024: -pw-
Source: WessexTimes, Daily Telegraph 4/12/24
The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect WessexTimes editorial stance.

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