Issue November-27

BBC's Jeremy Vine show risks telling criminals how to crack bank accounts

The BBC News may have overstepped the mark of reponsible reporting

On the Jeremy Vine show (November 26 2024) one of his four themes concerned using an AI simulated voice to crack a bank account.

One of the BBC's reporters had used a web-site and given it a selection of her own words. They in turn generated a phrase which several banks use to grant access into their customers bank accounts.

Jeremy and the reporter did name both the person who had created this software and the site. We will not repeat this and encourage criminals.

Using the generated phrase the reporter could access her bank account.

Apart from the interest that people might have in realisíng their accounts may be in danger, we immediately ordered Halifax and Lloyds to no longer accept voice access methods from us, but the sheer risk of telling a nation just how to do it is beyond the pale.

There is a huge risk in describing possibly to criminals how to gain illegal access to bank accounts. It goes beyond belief
London: 26. November 2024: -pw-
Source: WessexTimes
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