A beekeeper released about a million bees and they attacked a Jersey lady called Honeycomb (can you believe the name) so badly that she ended up together with her niece in hospital. She suffered 60 stings. and her neice about a dozen. Ouch!Also her pony ,Blue, needed emergancency veterinary treatment having been stung about 80 times. After the ordeal, Mrs Honeycombe said her horse had been “screaming in pain” on the ground while she was desperately trying to fight off the bees.But why?The attack happened as a beekeeper was opening nine nearby hives, which contain around a million bees, to check on the honey in the combs. It would seem the bees thought somebody was out to steal their hard earned summer honey.It is not the first time that bees from these hives on Mont Huelin in Jersey, have attacked people and animals.When a beekeeper removes honey from a hive it makes the bees aggresive and problems in this case started when they saw dark-coloured horsesBees are evidently “programmed” to defend against dark-coloured animals, such as bears and badgers, which steal their honey in the wild. We find it amazing that they inherit this instinct.As a result, a dark-coloured dog will tend to get stung more than a paler one. Obviously a dark pony too.-/London 11. September 2023-pw-Imprint/ImpressumTo protect your privacy we neither store cookies nor use any google add-ons such as google analytics |